What are the advantages of advertisers using public opinion monitoring system to monitor online adve
Time:2020-08-24 10:24:06    Viewed:

Today, with the rapid development of information, online advertising is affecting all aspects of our lives all the time. For enterprises, how to use the public opinion monitoring system to monitor the effect of online advertising, especially advertisers who invest in high budgets, is a topic of constant concern. What are the advantages of using the public opinion monitoring system to monitor online advertising? Let's have a look.

Public opinion monitoring system

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1. The public opinion monitoring system is simple and convenient to use. Advertisers only need to log in to the background of the system to monitor online advertiSEMents, and can check the exposure rate and viewing times of advertiSEMents, which is simple and quick to use. It can also help advertisers monitor the dynamic trend of online advertising.

2. The public opinion monitoring system can not only monitor the traffic of online advertiSEMents, but also monitor the traffic of websites, geographical distribution of visitors, IP addresses, visiting time, visiting pages and so on.

3. The public opinion monitoring system can also monitor the timeliness of online advertiSEMents anytime and anywhere.

After advertisers advertise online on media websites, they often can't understand the effect of online advertising. Through the public opinion monitoring system, you can monitor the page views and click effects of online advertising anytime and anywhere, and you can see the traffic brought by the input cost.

4. Complete fairness and confidentiality of public opinion monitoring system.

The public opinion monitoring system can only be viewed by registered users when users request to monitor the online advertising traffic, and other people cannot view the traffic statistics of their websites, which is completely fair and confidential.

The above is the introduction of advertisers using the public opinion monitoring system to monitor the advantages of online advertising. I hope everyone will gain something after reading it!

Link to this article:https://www.weallcan.com/news/1313
