Price of public opinion monitoring system: What are the three ways of network public opinion monitor
Time:2020-07-24 10:12:50    Viewed:

In today's developing society in the era of big data, how to strengthen its own information monitoring and management has become a difficult problem for many enterprises. In the face of many messy market public opinion monitoring systems, the prices of different functions are also different. How to use appropriate public opinion monitoring systems to monitor the public opinion information of enterprises themselves? What are the three ways of network public opinion monitoring that can be introduced to you today? Let's have a look.

Public opinion monitoring system
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1. search engine
As a traditional way of network public opinion monitoring, the operation process of search engine is relatively simple. Generally, Baidu, 360, sogou and other search engines are used to input keywords, then preview from the first page, change pages to the back, and then work out the results to generate a data analysis report.
2. Project search
Project search refers to the service platform with built-in search function, such as online platform, Sina Weibo mobile phone WeChat, etc., through which special keywords can be input to carry out search. After the search is finished, the search contents will be displayed one by one. At this moment, customers only need to arrange in time sequence and search one by one.
3. Public opinion monitoring system tools
The public opinion monitoring system tool can automatically collect data, automatically warn information and release information in advance to inform the person in charge, and can also carry out real-time monitoring 7*24 hours a day, input keywords to monitor the whole network, and analyze company information in depth, which can be converted into a graphical public opinion analysis report to provide data support for public opinion response. Of course, the cost of developing public opinion monitoring system is not cheap. If the budget is limited, you can find a third party to cooperate, and the price of public opinion monitoring system is relatively cost-effective.
About what the three ways of network public opinion monitoring refer to, I hope it can help you!
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